Lets talk legal


Aspecializing in flag regulation and compliance as well as all aspects of shipping business, logistics and international trade.

We represent owners, charterers, P&I Clubs, H&M insurers, traders, shipyards, bunker suppliers, stevedore companies and banks

Vessel Registration
Maritime Law

Panama is the number one country in registry of vessels, with more than 8,000 registered vessels to date.

Immigration Law

Looking for professional immigration law services in Panama? We can handle your needs

Corporate Law

Corporations are very useful for both nationals and foreigners who want to have a Panamanian society for its many benefits.

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Flags Worldwide


And the same quality service

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Leading the Industry

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( +507 ) 6672-7476

About Us

Who we are and what we do...

INTERMARITIME LEGAL SERVICES, a subsidiary of INTERMARITIME GROUP, is a boutique law firm based in Panama City focused on Maritime and Immigration Services. 

Our maritime team specializes in yacht and vessel flag registrations, marine operating licenses, vessel mortgages, and liens.

Our immigration team aids with all necessary legal requirements concerning relocation to Panama. This includes assistance in acquiring Panamanian Visas such as Pensionado visas, Friendly Nations visas, workers’ permits, etc.

We have over a decade of experience with a stable of expert lawyers ready to meet your needs and demands. As a boutique law firm, we specialize in personalized client experience.  Our team is always on call for any requirements our clients have.

Flag Registration
Operation Licenses
Legal Compliance

Maritime Law needs?

Intermaritime Legal has got you covered.



Intermaritime Legal is a law firm based in Panama City that offers all-inclusive services to register ships under Panamanian flag.

The firm also offers legal assistance to foreign companies interested in starting operations, as well as services such as contract negotiations, due diligence and maritime insurance.

Panama is the number one country in registry of vessels, with more than 8,000 registered vessels to date. The procedure to register ships under the Panamanian flag is very simple and expeditious, and the requirements are minimum for the regular flagging of each vessel.

Panamanian flag registration has a series of advantages that make the registration much more attractive for the owners, among its most important benefits we have:

  • There is no minimum tonnage.
  • Ships under construction can opt for registration.
  • Any person or company, regardless of their nationality, is eligible to register ships under the Panamanian flag.
  • Global network of private consulates of merchant marine worldwide.
  • Minimum requirements for registration.
  • Six (6) months to submit original documents and obtain a patent and regulatory radio license.

The Panamanian Merchant Navy allows different types of flagging depending on the owner’s need:

Regular Flag Requirements:
  • Power of attorney, simple copy.
  • Copy of proof of ownership (construction certificate or sales contract).
  • Copy of the current SMC, issued by the previous registration( Applies to ships larger than 500 GT).
  • Application for registration.
Special Recognition by Assignment
  • Special Registry of Temporary Navigation.
  • Registration of Foreign Ships under Bare Board Charter in Panama.
  • Special Registration Lay – up

INTERMARITIME LEGAL SERVICES, offers other routine merchant marine services:

  • Patent extensions and radio license.
  • Changes (Name, Owner, Radio Account Authority, Services, etc.)
  • Patent renewals and regulatory radio licenses.
  • Certificates (MSMC, CLC, BCC, WRC, CSR, etc.)
  • Procedures for registration of property titles.
  • Registration / Registration of Naval Mortgages.
  • Cancellations of merchant marine vessels.
  • Certifications.
  • Approval for services provides for lifeboats, launching appliances and on-load release gear.

  • Approval for Radio Accounting Authority.

  • Approval for Private Maritime Security Company (PMSC).

  • Sure thing.

  • Fishing Licenses and Permits

  • Operating licenses for all types of auxiliary maritime services in Panamanian waters

Corporations are classified as follows:

  • With operations in Panama. You must request a Notice of Operation, date on which operations will begin and you must register in the Municipality of Panama.

  • No operations in Panama (Offshore).

Requirements for incorporation of a limited company:

  • Name of the company: it must be available in the Public Registry of Panama.
  • Social object.
  • Name and address of the Directors and Officers.
  • Social capital
  • Shareholders and / or final beneficiary, with percentage of shares.

It is a legal entity subject to rights and obligations.

The founder may transfer his assets in the name of the foundation with the purpose of being protected and administered by the latter in favor of a beneficiary or the founder.

Requirements for Private Interest Foundation:

  • Foundation´s Name
  • A Founder
  • Foundation Council: made up of 3 natural persons or 1 legal entity.
  • Regulation: the Law allows the regulation to be confidential.


Our services are very useful for both nationals and foreigners who want to have a Panamanian society for its many benefits



Discover how our services can support your immigration needs:

Our experienced immigration law team provides expert guidance and support throughout the visa application process in Panama. From explaining available visa options to collecting necessary documentation, we ensure your application is accurately prepared and submitted.

Ready to become a Panamanian citizen? Our immigration law services include personalized guidance on the requirements and application process for Panamanian citizenship. We ensure your application is meticulously prepared, giving you the best chance of success.

If you’re looking for employment opportunities in Panama as a foreign national, it’s a must to secure a work permit. Our immigration law services provide comprehensive assistance throughout the Work Permit application process, ensuring a smooth and successful experience. Note: You must first have a valid legal residency status in Panama to apply

We understand how overwhelming the process of relocating to a new country is, so our immigration law specialists offer tailored guidance on various immigration and relocation matters. From real estate research to contract negotiations, our team can guide you through your whole process for your peace of mind.



maritime LAw

To register a vessel in Panama, the following requirements are necessary 

  1. Ownership Info: The vessel may be owned by either a Panamanian citizen, a Panamanian company, or a foreign entity that has established a legal presence in Panama.
  2. Eligibility Info: The vessel must be new or used and seaworthy, with a minimum length of 24 feet (7.3 meters) for pleasure crafts and 20 net tons for commercial vessels.
  3. Vessel Inspection Info: The vessel may be required to undergo a safety inspection conducted by an authorized Panamanian inspector or a recognized classification society.
  4. Documentation:
  • Bill of Sale or Builder’s Certificate (for new vessels).
  • Certificate of Deletion (for used vessels).
  • Power of Attorney appointing the legal representative in Panama.
  • Evidence of ownership, such as a notarized copy of the bill of sale.
  • Proof of cancellation of previous registration (for used vessels).
  • International Tonnage Certificate (ITC 69) or Measurement Certificate.
  • Radio License, if applicable.
  • Class Certificate, if applicable.


immigration law

Foreign nationals in Panama have various visa options available to them. Here are some common visa categories:

  1. Tourist Visa: This visa allows foreign nationals to visit Panama for tourism or leisure purposes. It is typically granted for a period of 90 days and can be extended for an additional 90 days.
  2. Temporary Resident Visa: This visa is suitable for individuals who wish to reside in Panama for a longer period but do not meet the requirements for other visa categories. It is valid for one year and can be renewed annually.
  3. Permanent Resident Visa: This visa is available to individuals who have been legally living in Panama for at least five years under a temporary resident visa. Permanent residents enjoy most of the same rights and privileges as Panamanian citizens.
  4. Friendly Nations Visa: As mentioned earlier, this visa is designed for citizens of selected countries that have friendly relationships with Panama. It requires establishing economic or professional ties with Panama, such as through investment or employment.
  5. Pensionado Visa: Foreign retirees with a lifetime monthly pension of at least $1,000 can apply for this visa. It offers a range of benefits, including discounts on healthcare, entertainment, and other services.
  6. Self Economic Solvency Visa: This visa is suitable for individuals who can demonstrate financial solvency and make a substantial investment in Panama, such as purchasing real estate or making a fixed deposit.
  7. Business Investor Visa: Foreign nationals who invest a specific amount in a new or existing business in Panama can obtain this visa. The investment threshold varies depending on the type of business.
  8. Work Permit: Foreign nationals who have secured a job offer from a Panamanian employer can apply for a work permit. The employer must sponsor the visa application.

Foreign nationals in Panama are subject to different tax obligations based on their residency status and the type of income they earn in the country.  The most common are:

  1. Income Tax: Panama operates on a territorial tax system. Non-resident foreign nationals are generally only taxed on income derived from Panamanian sources. The tax rates for non-residents range from 0% to 25% depending on the type of income.
  2. Social Security Contributions: Foreign nationals working in Panama are required to contribute to the social security system, known as the Caja de Seguro Social (CSS). The contribution rates depend on the income earned and are shared between the employer and employee.
  3. Value Added Tax (VAT): Foreign nationals living in Panama may be subject to VAT on goods and services they purchase within the country. The standard VAT rate in Panama is 7%.
  4. Property Tax: If foreign nationals own real estate in Panama, they are required to pay annual property taxes. The tax rate varies based on the value and location of the property.
  5. Capital Gains Tax: Foreign nationals selling property or other assets in Panama may be subject to capital gains tax. The tax rate depends on the type of asset and the length of ownership.

It’s important to note that tax laws and regulations are subject to change, and individual circumstances may vary.

The requirements to acquire a Panamanian visa or residency can vary depending on the type of visa or residency permit the client is seeking. Here are some examples for some common visas.

  1. Panama Tourist Visa:
  • Valid passport with a minimum of six months’ validity.
  • Round-trip ticket or proof of onward travel.
  • Proof of financial solvency, such as bank statements or a letter from a financial institution.
  • Hotel reservations or an invitation letter from a Panamanian resident.
  1. Panama Temporary Residency Visa:
  • Valid passport with a minimum of six months’ validity.
  • Police record or background check from your home country.
  • Medical certificate issued by a Panamanian doctor.
  • Proof of financial solvency, such as bank statements or a letter from a financial institution.
  • Employment contract or proof of economic activity in Panama (for work-related residency).

3. Panama Permanent Residency

  • Visa:Valid passport with a minimum of six months’ validity.
  • Police record or background check from your home country.
  • Medical certificate issued by a Panamanian doctor.
  • Proof of financial solvency, such as bank statements or a letter from a financial institution.
  • Additional documentation may be required based on the specific category under which you are applying for permanent residency (e.g., investment, retirement, economic solvency, etc.).

It’s important to note that the specific requirements and procedures may change over time, so it’s advisable to consult with a qualified immigration attorney or contact the Panamanian Embassy or Consulate in your home country for the most up-to-date information. Additionally, working with an experienced law firm that specializes in immigration services can help ensure a smooth and efficient process.

The duration of the immigration process in Panama can vary depending on several factors, including the type of visa or residency you are applying for, the completeness of your documentation and any potential complexities or issues that may arise during the process.

Here are some general estimates for different types of immigration applications:

  1. Panama Tourist Visa:
  •  The processing time for a tourist visa application is typically relatively short, ranging from a few days to a couple of weeks. It is advisable to apply well in advance of your intended travel date.
  1. Panama Temporary Residency Visa:
  • The processing time for a temporary residency visa can take several months, typically ranging from three to six months. This includes the time required for document verification, background checks, medical exams, and other necessary administrative procedures.
  1. Panama Permanent Residency Visa:
  • The processing time for a permanent residency visa can also take several months, usually ranging from four to eight months. The timeframe may vary based on the specific category under which you are applying for permanent residency, as some categories may require additional scrutiny or documentation.

These are just general approximations of the timelines, and we work with our clients to get their papers in order as quickly as it is within our power to do so. 

Yes, however the specific requirements and conditions for working legally in Panama will depend on the type of visa or residency permit you hold.

Here are some common scenarios:

  1. Work Permit (Specific Employment):
  • If you have a work permit issued by the Panamanian Ministry of Labor or another relevant authority, you are authorized to work in Panama for the specific employer and position stated on the permit.
  1. Permanent Residency with Work Authorization:
  • Certain categories of permanent residency in Panama include the right to work. This can include categories such as Economic Solvency, Qualified Investor, and Professional Employment.
  1. Friendly Nations Visa:
  • Citizens of countries listed as «friendly nations» to Panama have the option to apply for this visa, which grants the right to work. The visa is based on economic and professional ties, and applicants must have a professional or economic activity in Panama.
  1. Independent Economic Solvency Visa:
  • This visa is available to individuals who can demonstrate economic solvency and engage in professional or economic activities in Panama. With this visa, you have the right to work independently or establish your own business.

Here are some of the most common issues that are run into regularly:

  1. Document Verification and Compliance:
  • The immigration authorities may carefully review and verify all submitted documents to ensure compliance with the requirements. If any documents are missing, incomplete, or not meeting the specific criteria, it can result in delays or a request for additional information.
  1. Background Checks and Security Clearance:
  • Panama conducts background checks as part of the immigration process, including criminal record checks. If an applicant has a criminal history or legal issues, it could complicate the approval process or potentially lead to denial of the application.
  1. Medical Examinations:
  • Many visa and residency applications require a medical examination conducted by a Panamanian doctor. If there are any health issues or conditions that raise concerns, it might affect the application process.
  1. Administrative Delays:
  • Like any bureaucratic process, delays can occur due to a variety of reasons, and this is especially true of a country like Panama. Patience is required as the immigration authorities process applications.

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